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- Telai e ante | BK Stainless Inc. | Miami
Telai e Ante
- Prodotti | BK Stainless Inc.
Nostri Prodotti Cappa e armadi verniciati a polvere Cappa verniciata a polvere marrone Cappa con dettagli neri Cappa e armadi verniciati a polvere 1/54 Armadi Vedi altro Cappe Vedi altro Armadi e cappe Vedi altro Telai e ante Arredi commerciali Altri Vedi altro Vedi altro Vedi altro
- Domande frequenti | BK Stainless Inc. | Miami
Domande Frequenti What type of stainless steel do you use? Our drawers, doors, and cabinet boxes are made with 304 grade stainless steel, 18 gauge, polish #3. We also use 316 marine grade when needed. What is the difference between 304 grade and 316 marine grade stainless steel? 316 marine grade is usually used in locations near to or on the beach, to prevent the steel from being corroded due to the salty air. How are your drawers constructed and what slides do you use? Our drawers are fabricated using double-wall construction and full extension slide with self-close/soft-close technology. Can you give the stainless steel a different color? Yes! Thanks to powder coating, our products can be finished with any color. Do your cabinets fit only certain appliances? Since our products are custom designed, they fit any type of appliance; grills, side burners, sinks, bar structure units, and more.
- FAQ Francese | Made in USA
FoirE aUX qUESTIONS What type of stainless steel do you use? Our drawers, doors, and cabinet boxes are made with 304 grade stainless steel, 18 gauge, polish #3. We also use 316 marine grade when needed. What is the difference between 304 grade and 316 marine grade stainless steel? 316 marine grade is usually used in locations near to or on the beach, to prevent the steel from being corroded due to the salty air. How are your drawers constructed and what slides do you use? Our drawers are fabricated using double-wall construction and full extension slide with self-close/soft-close technology. Can you give the stainless steel a different color? Yes! Thanks to powder coating, our products can be finished with any color. Do your cabinets fit only certain appliances? Since our products are custom designed, they fit any type of appliance; grills, side burners, sinks, bar structure units, and more.
- BK Stainless Inc. | Fabbricatore d'acciaio inossidabile | Miami
BK Stainless INC. Dalla nostra officina a casa sua Chi siamo? BK Stainless Inc. Logo Custom powder coated cabinets and hood stainless steel powder coated hood and cabinets BK Stainless Inc. Logo 1/26 BK Stainless produce arredi in acciaio inox per cucine residenziali e commerciali dal 1997. Realizziamo disegni esclusivi in acciaio inox che sono durevoli e belli. I mobili di BK Stainless continuano a migliorare in ingegneria e stile, grazie ai suggerimenti che riceviamo da arredatori, costruttori e architetti. 100% realizzato in USA, siamo orgogliosi delle nostre creazioni e dei materiali di prima qualità utilizzati per i nostri prodotti. Cosa facciamo I nostri disegni personalizzati assicurano che le sue idee sono realizzate con grande precisione. Produciamo utilizzando vari tipi di acciaio inox che possono essere verniciati a polvere con qualsiasi colore. Installazioni dettagliate e pulite che rispettano i tempi dei clienti.
- Contact Us | BK Stainless Inc. | Miami
Contattaci 13810 SW 142nd Ave Unità n. 35 Miami, FL 33186 (786) 474-0203 bkstainless@ymail.com Nome E-mail Telefono Messaggio Grazie, risponderemo alla sua domanda il prima possibile! Invia
- Armadi e cappe | BK Stainless Inc. | Miami
Armadi e Cappe
- Contact Us | BK Stainless Inc. | Miami
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- Arredi commerciali | BK Stainless Inc. | Miami
Arredi Commerciali